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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The High Tech Popea

Here are some Fun Facts about Pope Benedict XVI
  • He is the 265th Pope
  • He is the 8th German Pope and the 54th non-Italian Pope
  • He is the first German pope in almost 500 years
  • Benedict XVI is the oldest man to have been elected pope in almost 300 years
  • He is the first pope to own an iPod
  • He has six email addresses. Each one begins with the name "Benedict."
  • It is widely rumored he enjoys Fanta orange soda, and he prefers fresh-squeezed orange juice
  • He loves classical music and is said to play the piano for a few minutes each day.
  • He has a preference for Mozart and Beethoven
  • He walks in the Vatican Gardens every day at exactly 4pm
  • He has approximately 20,000 books in his personal library and speaks 10 languages.
  • He is a cat lover. He used to feed the stray cats that lurked around his building in Rome, but no pets are allowed in the Apostolic Palace.
  • Pope Benedict XVI has a pilot's license for the papal helicopter and likes to fly from the Vatican to the papal summer residence, Castel Gandolfo, but the pope does not have a driver's license as he never learned to drive a car.
  •  Pope Benedict XVI was the youngest of three children whose father, Joseph Sr., was a police officer. His brother, Monsignor Georg Ratzinger, is a retired priest.
  • At the age of 16, Josef Ratzinger was drafted into the German army.
  • In 1945 during World War II, Josef deserted from the German army and was a U.S. prisoner of war.
  • Pope Benedict XVI is fluent in German, English, Italian, French, and Spanish and has knowledge of Portuguese. Naturally, he can also speak classical Latin.
  • Pope Benedict XVI's favorite meal is Bavarian potato ravioli with pancake strips.
  • Pope Benedict XVI still has the stuffed animals his mother made for him when he was a child.

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