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Monday, June 27, 2011

Saint of the Week: The First is the First

Saint Peter
The First Pope
Prince of the Apostles

Feast Day: June 29
Patron Saint Of: Popes, Fishermen, Fishmongers, Sailors, Bakers, Harvesters, Butchers, Glass makers, Carpenters, Shoemakers, Clockmakers, Blacksmiths, Potters, Masons, Bridge builders, Cloth makers.

St. Peter being crucified upside down. 

St. Peter is best known for his place among the Apostles and his role as the first pope of the Church. Jesus changed his name from Simon to Peter and told him that he would be the rock on which he would build His church.

Some interesting facts about St. Peter
-The Apostle Andrew was Peter's brother.
-Andrew introduced Peter to Jesus who called him to become an Apostle.
-Peter was a fisherman.
-Jesus made peter the first Pope in the Gospel of Matthew:16. This is when Jesus changed his name as well.
-Peter was always listed as the first of the Apostles in all of the New Testament accounts.
-Peter cut off the right ear of a slave of the high priest Malchus.
-He also denied Christ three times as the Lord predicted.
-The first appearance of the Risen Christ was before Peter, ahead of the other disciples, and when the Lord came before the disciples at Tiberias, he gave to Peter the famous command to “Feed my lambs.... Tend my sheep.... Feed my sheep”.
-He appointed the replacement of Judas Iscariot
-He was the first Apostle to perform miracles in the name of the Lord
-St. Peter was crucified but because he felt unworthy to be crucified like Jesus he was crucified upside down. The upside down cross is actually St. Peter's cross and is a Catholic Symbol.
-While Peter’s chief feast day is June 29, he is also honored on February 22 and November 18.

To read more on St. Peter, Check out these links.
The Twelve Apostles of the Catholic Church
The Catholic Encyclopedia
Catholic Online

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