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Parlier, CA, United States
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A New Persecution

In the early years of Christianity, the followers of Christ were beaten, tortured, beheaded, fed to lions, crucified and killed in any way persecutors saw fit. These days, persecution does not come to us living in America in the form of a cross or sword or wild animals, it comes in the from of legislation. The "right" of "freedom of religion" we have here in the US can hardly be considered a right. Although we are free to worship here unlike many other nations, Religion, and not only Christianity is constantly under attack by politicians willing to please the masses.

How is this happening? By forcing Catholic social service agencies and healthcare providers to provide "women’s preventive services." In other words they want Catholics to be forced to kill babies just like so many other places across the nation do. 

You can read the articles by clicking on the following links. 
Contraception Mandate Tramples Religious Freedom
Contraception Mandate won't let most Religious Groups Opt out

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