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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Saint of the Week: The Poor Runaway

St. Clare of Assisi

Feast Day: August 11
Patron Saint Of: Against eye disease, Eyes, Embroiders, For good weather, Gliders, Goldsmiths, Laundry workers, needle workers, Telegraphs, Telephones, Televisions, Santa Clara Indian Pueblo, Assisi, Italy

Statue of St. Clare holding
the monstrance. 
  • Clare's father was a Count and her mother was the countess Blessed Orsolana. 
  • After hearing St. Francis speak she had a great desire to live a poor humble life for Jesus. 
  • On Palm Sunday 1212, her bishop gave her a palm which she took as a sign. 
  • Clare and her cousin Pacifica ran away from home to join religious life. 
  • St. Francis cut her long hair short and gave her a rough brown habit to wear, tied with a plain cord around her waist.
  • Her parents tried to have her come home, but Clare refused. 
  • Clare founded the Order of Poor Ladies known as the "Poor Clares" at San Damiano, and led it for 40 years. 
  • Where every the Franciscans established themselves, the Clares followed suit.  
  • The Poor Clares depended solely on donations, no shoes, ate no meat, lived in a poor house, and kept silent most of the time.
  • Once when her convent was about to be attacked, she displayed the Sacrament in a monstrace at the convent gates, and prayed before it; the attackers left, the house was saved, and the image of her holding a monstrance became one of her emblems.
  • Toward the end of her life, when she was too ill to attend Mass, an image of the service would display on the wall of her cell; thus her patronage of television.
  • She was ever the close friend and spiritual student of Francis, who apparently led her soul into the light at her death.
  • She was humble, merciful, charming, optimistic, chivalrous, and every day she meditated on the Passion of Jesus.
Read more about St. Clare of Assisi at:

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