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Monday, August 15, 2011

Saint of the Week: The Great Hungarian King

Saint Stephen the Great

Feast Day: August 16
Statue of St. Stephen the Great.
Patron Saint Of: Bricklayers, Kings, Stone Masons, Stone cutters, Against the death of children, Hungary.
  • Born in 977 to Geza, the King of Magyars in Hungary. 
  • His family was pagan but Stephen was baptized at age 10. 
  • Stephen succeeded his father in 997.
  • He married Blessed Gisella of Ungarn, sister of the Saint Henry II.
  • They spent their reign promoting the Christian faith. 
  • Stephen had Saint Astricus as an adviser, funded Church leaders, helped build churches, organized diocese, was a proponent of the rights of the Holy Seeunited the Magyars into a single nation, and suppressed revolts led by pagan nobles.
  • He was crowned King of Hungary on Christmas Day 1001 by Emperor Otto III by authority of Pope Sylvester II.
  • His crown and regalia became beloved symbols of the Hungarian nation, and Stephen was venerated as the ideal Christian King.
Read more about St. Stephen the Great at:

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