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Parlier, CA, United States
Hey guys. Its Brother Carlos. Let me know what you guys want to see. This site is for you guys. If you want me to put something up let me know. Email me at carlos.bs.designs@gmail.com

Saturday, July 16, 2011

"Perfect Form of Prayer"

Lately, I've been doing some research for this Blog and for the meeting held for the Recollection group here in Parlier. Most of my research has centered around the Mass lately. Iv'e been thinking of what the Mass is to me and what it should be to a Catholic. I am working on a project that has taken most of my time this past week. My project is to find how much of the Bible is quoted in the Mass as well as what actions and objects. For now all I have to say is that anyone who says that the Mass is not in the Bible or vice versa is DEAD WRONG. Im still finding verses every time I look into my Bible.

Anyways, one this I haven't been able to do is express what the Mass means to me or any good Catholic. Words have a way of falling short. But there are some people who know how to use more effectively and who see the Mass with eyes more faithful and holy than mine. The Saints. So, I have found what the Saints themselves say about the Mass because they do a much better job than me. Enjoy.

"If we really understood the Mass, we would die of joy." 
Saint Jean Vianney

"The celebration of Holy Mass is as valuable as the death of Jesus on the cross."
Saint Thomas Aquinas

"The heavens open and multitudes of angels come to assist in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass." 
Saint Gregory

"The angels surround and help the priest when he is celebrating Mass." 
Saint Augustine

"When Mass is being celebrated, the sanctuary is filled with countless angels who adore the divine victim immolated on the altar."
Saint John Chrysostom

Once, St. Teresa was overwhelmed with God's Goodness and asked Our Lord "How can I thank you?" Our Lord replied, "ATTEND ONE MASS."

"It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do without Holy Mass." 
St. Padre Pio

After reading what the Saints have said, how can we say that:
  • Mass is boring.
  • I'm too tired to go. 
  • It's just one Mass, God wont mind.
  • God wont send me to Hell if I miss one Mass. 
  • I don't want to go. 
  • Nothing special happens in the Mass. 
  • I can just pray at home, I don't need to go to Mass to pray. 
I'm sure I'm not the only person who has heard these things. Think about your own views of the Mass.
Help everyone you know understand the meaning and importance of Mass. In the words of Pope Paul VI
"The Mass is the most perfect form of prayer!" 

God be with you. 

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