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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Saint of the Week: A True Servant

Saint Martha 
Wonder Worker

Feast Day: July 29
Patron Saint Of: Cooks, Butlers, Dieticians, Domestic Servants, Homemaker, Hotel keepers, Housemaids, Housewives, Innkeepers, Laundry workers, Maids, Servants, Single laywomen, Travelers and Villajoyosa, Spain

St. Martha serving Jesus. 
  • Jesus frequently visited Marta's home in Bethany. 
  • We read of three visits in Luke 10:38-42,John 11:1-53, and John 12:1-9.
  • Martha was the sister of Saint Lazarus and St. Mary of Bethany. 
  • She would always welcome Jesus and the disciples into her house. 
  • In the Middle East, hospitality is very important, which is why Martha was angry when her sister Mary did not help her but sat with Jesus and listened to what he was saying. 
  • Jesus reminds her that there is only one thing that is truly important -- listening to Him. 
  • The next visit shows how well Martha learned this lesson.
  • When she hears that Jesus is in the area, she gets up immediately , leaves her mourning as well as those mourning at her home for her dead brother , and goes to meet him.
  • Our final picture of Martha in Scripture is the one that sums up who she was. 
  • Jesus returns to Bethany and shares a meal with His good friends. 
  •  We hear how brother Lazarus caused a stir when was brought back to life. We hear how Mary causes a commotion at dinner by anointing Jesus with expensive perfume. But all we hear about Martha is the simple statement: "Martha served."
  • We know nothing more about Martha and what happened to her later.
  • According to legend Martha accompanied Mary to evangelize France after Pentecost.
Read more about St. Martha at:
Catholic Online

Saint Martha

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