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Monday, July 4, 2011

Saint of the Week: The Youngest Saint

Saint Maria Goretti 

Feast Day: July 6
Patron Saint of: Youth, Young women, Purity, Victims of Rape

Saint Maria Goretti surrounded by lilies.
Maria Goretti had led a very ordinary life. But in spite of her simplicity, her great faith and love for God made her truly extraordinary.

Facts about St. Maria Goretti
  • St. Maria Goretti was born on October 16, 1890, in Corinaldo, Italy
  • Her father died of malaria and her mother had to struggle to feed her children.
  • Her family was forced to move onto the Serenelli family farm to survive.
  • The two families lived together in one building. 
  • Maria quickly matured in grace and holiness in the eyes of friends and other acquaintances. 
  • Alessandro Serenelli, a farm hand, propositioned her on several occasions and harassed her with impure suggestions.
  • On July 5, 1902, St. Maria Goretti, at the age of 12, was attack by Alessandro Serenelli, who wanted to rape her.
  • As she once again rebuffed his sexual advance, shouting, "No! It is a sin! God does not want it!", Alexander lunged to the deed, stabbing Maria 14 times.
  • The young girl survived in a hospital for two weeks, where she forgave her attacker and asked God to forgive him.
  • She died holding a crucifix and a medal of Our Lady.
  • Alexander was captured and sentenced to thirty years. 
  • While in prison, Alessandro had a vision of Maria. He saw a young girl, dressed in white, gathered lilies in a garden. She then smiled, came near him, and encouraged him to accept an armful of the lilies. As Alessandro took them, each lily transformed into a still white flame. 
  • This vision led to Alessandro's conversion.
  • When he was released after 27 years he went directly to Maria's mother to beg her forgiveness, which she gave. "If my daughter can forgive him, who am I to withold forgiveness," she said.
  • On April 27, 1947 Maria is beatified by the Roman Catholic Church.
  • On June 24, 1950 Maria Goretti is declared Saint in St. Peter's Square by Pope Pius XII.
  • Saint Maria Goretti is the youngest officially recognized Roman Catholic saint ever.
To read more about Saint Maria Goretti, Check out these links:

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