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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Saint of the Week: The Blessed Widow

St. Bridget of Sweden

Feast Day: July 23
Patron Saint Of: Europe, Sweden, Widow
(She is sometimes referred to as the Patroness of Failures)

St. Bridget of Sweden in the Bridgettine habit.  

  • Bridget was born in the 1303 in Upland.
  • Her father was governor, one of the greatest landowners in the country and he went to confession every Friday. 
  • Her mother was widely known for her piety and died in 1314
  • At the age of 7 she had a vision where the Blessed Virgin placed a crown on her head. 
  • Around the age of 12 she had vision of the Crucifixion. She asked Jesus who had done this to Him. He answered, "All those who despise my love".
  • In 1316, at the age of 13, married Ulf Gudmasson and had 8 children. 4 boys and 4 girls. 
  • The second oldest became a saint, St. Catherine of Sweden. 
  • St. Bridget was a friend and counselor to many priests and theologians, had the gift of prophecy and worked many miraculous cures, she was the Chief lady-in-waiting to Queen Blanche of Namur, she pursued religious life after Ulf's death in 1344, she recorded her visions that became hugely popular, founded the Order of the Most Holy Savior (The Bridgettines) at Vadstena and encouraged all to meditate on the Passion and of Jesus Crucified. 
  • She made a pilgrimage to Rome in 1350 and them made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. 
  • After being marred by shipwreck and the death of her son Charles, she died in 1373. 

Read more about St. Bridget of Sweden 

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